LINK E-Learning – E-Learning Course

CE Course: Acute Wounds


CE Course: Acute Wounds

E-Learning Course
Acute Wounds - Main Indications, Acute Wounds, Burns, Devitalised Tissue, Hard-to-heal Wounds, NPWT
Approx. time to complete
60 min
1 CE


The module presents the etiology, pathophysiology, influencing factors, classification of acute wounds, with a focus on traumatic wounds and burns. It also explains the principles of assessment and the main therapeutic strategies based on international guidelines and recommendations.


Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how acute wounds are defined and classified
  • Identify what may cause acute wounds
  • Understand the wound healing process in acute wounds
  • Understand how the burns are defined and classified
  • Identify what may cause a burn
  • Explore the local and systemic pathological factors involved in burns
  • Perform clinical evaluations of a burn area
  • Be aware of the first aid necessary for burns and of the entire management of a burn
  • Summarize the main therapeutic strategies and multidisciplinary approaches necessary for burns
  • Understand how traumatic injury are defined and classified
  • Identify what may cause a traumatic wounds
  • Explore the general assessment and systemic approach to trauma patients
  • Be aware of the initial management necessary for an open fracture and traumatic amputation and of the entire management of traumatic wounds
  • Relate the knowledge to clinical cases


Read more about these topics

Get access to over 200 scientific abstracts, publications, webinars and E-learning to expand your knowledge of wound management.

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