LINK E-Learning – E-Learning Course

CE Course: Wounds. Wound Healing in Acute Versus Chronic Wounds


CE Course: Wounds. Wound Healing in Acute Versus Chronic Wounds

E-Learning Course
Wound Pathophysiology, Wound Healing, Chronic Wounds, Acute Wounds, Epithelialization, Growth Factor
Approx. time to complete
60 min
1 CE


The module defines and describes wound types and wound healing process, the role of different cells and biomodulators in each phase, the differences between normal healing in acute wounds and impaired healing in chronic wounds.


Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the wound and identify the critical elements involved in the normal wound healing process.
  • Recognize various types of wounds.
  • Discover and understand the main differences between the function of cells and biomodulators in acute versus chronic wounds.

Read more about these topics

Get access to over 200 scientific abstracts, publications, webinars and E-learning to expand your knowledge of wound management.

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