LINK for Wound Healing

LINK is the global hub for expertise in wound care. We are dedicated to the continuous education of wound care professionals.

Learn more about the LINK program

Exchange, communicate and collaborate with other experts

This platform is part of the LINK program. It provides worldwide access to evidence based medical education and information about the therapeutic area of Wound Management with the possibility to network, share and collaborate. You can gain new insights and learn about innovative solutions.

LINK provides high-quality wound care education and global knowledge exchange among healthcare professionals for the benefit of patients with various wounds. It supplies educational support in everyday life and delivers firsthand information from a single point-of-contact. You can benefit from the full range of services when you register to this LINK platform.

Other LINK activities are LINK Congresses, expert meetings, round table discussions, webinars, seminars and other events where wound experts meet to further and optimize wound management.

This is what LINK stands for

We are proud and happy to be live and welcome you to the new LINK portal. We are keen to work with you to develop this platform further. Become a part of this community network of wound management.
Expand your knowledge. Gather the latest wound care insights, join exclusive access, face-toface seminars and more.
Share best practices. Improve and enhance your daily practices through local and global expert exchange.
Connect with experts worldwide to exchange information and discuss current and future matters of wound management.
Tap into, and expand the global, collective knowledge of wound management for the communal benefit of experts worldwide.

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