LINK E-Learning – Kurs E-Learning

Infected Wounds and Therapeutic Approaches


Infected Wounds and Therapeutic Approaches

Kurs E-Learning
Rany ostre - główne wskazania, Rany wysiękowe, Rany ostre, Rany przewlekłe, Oczyszczanie z wilgotnej tkanki martwiczej
Approx. time to complete
60 min


By completing this module you can refresh your knowledge of the wound infection definition, stages and etiology. You can understand the structure and formations of wound biofilm. Also you learn about the different therapeutic solutions in wound infections that you can possibly apply in your clinical practice.


This module is CPD credited

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Acknowledge the new definitions related to wound infection and the differences between local and systemic infection.
  • Identify the stages of the wound infection.
  • Recognize the local signs and symptoms of wound infection.
  • Learn about the recommended diagnostic methods involved in infected wounds.
  • Understand the structure and formation of the wound biofilm.
  • Improve knowledge through learning about latest international recommendations on patient monitoring and reassessment procedures of wound, on the main therapeutic strategies in wound infection and the importance of prevention of antimicrobial resistance.


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