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Webinar “Critical Role of Assessment and the Desired Performances of Wound Dressings for an Effective Exudate Management”


Webinar “Critical Role of Assessment and the Desired Performances of Wound Dressings for an Effective Exudate Management”

Minione wydarzenie
Zarządzanie wysiękiem
Publication Year
Start date and time
05.02.2021 06:30
Data i godzina zakończenia
05.02.2021 07:30


In light of the Wounds WEEK, the HARTMANN-supported and CPD credited webinar was broadcasted on Friday, 5th of February, starting 7:00 PM (CET), 6:00 (GMT) time. It was an international event centered on innovations in lower limb management, the importance of assessment, and desired performances of wound dressings for effective exudate management.

The webinar has been presented by:

  • Dr. Leanne Atkin, University of Huddersfield/Mid Yorks NHS, UK
  • Sarah Gardner, WoundMatters Ltd, UK
  • Prof. Amit Gefen PhD, Tel Aviv Universitiy, ISR
Doctor sitting at table facing laptop


Register here with WoundsWEEK for the upcoming Webinar:

“Critical Role of Assessment and the Desired Performances of Wound Dressings for an Effective Exudate Management”

Friday 5th January at 7:00 PM (CET) / 6:00 PM (GMT)
Image with date & time of event

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