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LINK Scientific Content – Congress Abstract

Challenges of wounds with high exudation – polyacrylate polymers dressings put them in use!

Scientific Content

Challenges of wounds with high exudation – polyacrylate polymers dressings put them in use!

Congress Abstract
LINK Congress 2019, Exudate Management
Publication Year
Gulnaz Tariq
published in
Approx. reading time
5 min (1 pages)


Exudate is a double-edged sword, as they are beneficial to wound healing, but they are also its obstacle as well if it is not managed or controlled properly. In chronic wounds, heightened and ongoing inflammation is a likely contributor to increased exudate production. This may be related to wound infection and/or the presence of biofilm (Schultz et al, 2011; Percival, 2017). Too much exudate will destroy the wound’s healthy tissue, macerate its edges thus further delaying and even preventing healing.

From another perspective, patient concerns may differ from the clinician’s priorities for treatment but should be treated with respect and appropriate action should be taken. Patients and caregivers state that malodor is the most distressing and socially isolating wound-related symptom (Gethin et al, 2014). Affecting patient quality of life is also exudate leakage, and the inconvenience of frequent dressing change.

In this presentation, we will aim to explain the challenges of wound exudate and showcase two examples of treating a highexuding pressure injury with a SAP dressing and two examples preventing MASD.


If we follow the wound bed paradigm we can acheive our goal with a multidisciplinary approach and treating the whole patient not just the 'hole in the patient'. The correct tools to treat the wound locally is crucial. In highly exuding wounds SAP dressings are valuable assets to use as primary or secondary dressing because of their effectiveness in managing wound exudate and facilitating treatment.

Polyacrylate dressings allow a higher quality of life for patients because of their multiple benefits in terms of reducing frequency of dressing change, reducing odor of wounds, preventing strikethrough of exudate to patients clothes and healthy skin in prevention: polyacrylate dressings such as Zetuvit Plus show excellent results in preventing MASD when used between skin folds, which in itself is a step to prevent pressure injuries in high risk areas.

Clinical relevance

Expert opinion on the treatment of highly exuding wounds


This presentation was sponsored by PAUL HARTMANN

Additional References

World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) Consensus Document. Wound exudate: effective assessment and management Wounds International, 2019


Gulnaz Tariq
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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