LINK E-Learning – E-Learning kurzus

Pressure Ulcer / Pressure Injury (PU/PI)


Pressure Ulcer / Pressure Injury (PU/PI)

E-Learning kurzus
Chronic Wounds - Main Indications, Chronic Wounds, Complex Wounds, Debridement, Devitalised Tissue, Dressings Exudate
A képzés elvégzéséhez szükséges időtartam
60 min


By completing the module you can update and improve your knowledge about the pressure ulcer definition, classification, etiology and pathomechanism according to the international best practice guidelines.

You can understand why Pressure Ulcers / Pressure Injuries represent a global problem for the clinical and the outpatient settings as well as a huge cost burden for the healthcare systems.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Improve knowledge through learning about updated definition and classification of Pressure Ulcers/Pressure Injuries.
  • Recognise the risk factors involved in the etiology and evolution of PU/PI.
  • Discover and understand the clinical challenges in PU/PI.
  • Understand the importance of prevention and the specific prophylactic solutions and their integration in the holistic management of PU/PI.
  • Learn about the main therapeutic strategies and prevention according to international experts recommendations.
  • Relate the knowledge to examples of individual clinical cases.



By completing the module you can update and improve your knowledge about the pressure ulcer definition, classification, etiology and pathomechanism according to the international best practice guidelines.

You can understand why Pressure Ulcers / Pressure Injuries represent a global problem for the clinical and the outpatient settings as well as a huge cost burden for the healthcare systems.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Improve knowledge through learning about updated definition and classification of Pressure Ulcers/Pressure Injuries.
  • Recognise the risk factors involved in the etiology and evolution of PU/PI.
  • Discover and understand the clinical challenges in PU/PI.
  • Understand the importance of prevention and the specific prophylactic solutions and their integration in the holistic management of PU/PI.
  • Learn about the main therapeutic strategies and prevention according to international experts recommendations.
  • Relate the knowledge to examples of individual clinical cases.


Bővebben ezekről a témákról

Több mint 200 tudományos összefoglalóhoz, publikációhoz, webináriumhoz és E-learninghez férhet hozzá, hogy bővítse a sebkezeléssel kapcsolatos ismereteit.

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