LINK Tudományos tartalom – Kongresszus absztrakt

HydroTherapy: the importance of hydration in wound healing

Tudományos tartalom

HydroTherapy: the importance of hydration in wound healing

Kongresszus absztrakt
Wound Healing, Debridement, Epithelialization, Exudate Management, Wound Bed Preparation, LINK Congress 2017
Publikálás éve
Karen Ousey


This presentation will discuss the main challenges of managing hydration in a wound. The benefits of achieving a moist environment in chronic wounds (facilitating the healing process of the wound, increasing breakdown of dead tissue, reducing scar formation), as well as the key aspects of wound bed preparation, will also be identified.

It will be explained how advanced wound care products, such as HydroClean Plus and HydroTac, can relate to the TIME framework, help create a moist wound environment and optimise hydration. These outcomes will be supported by a series of case studies and clinical papers.


Karen Ousey
PhD, Professor and Director for the Institute of Skin Integrity and Infection Prevention, School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, West Yorkshire, UK

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