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Pressure distribution during negative pressure wound therapy in experimental abdominal compartment syndrome

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Pressure distribution during negative pressure wound therapy in experimental abdominal compartment syndrome

Kongresszus absztrakt
Publikálás éve
Adrienn Csiszkó et al.
Olvasási idő
5 min (1 pages)


Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a frequently applied open abdomen (OA) treatment. There are only a few experimental data supporting this method and describing the optimal settings and pressure distribution in the abdominal cavity during this procedure. The aim of our study was to evaluate pressure values at different points of the abdominal cavity during NPWT in experimental abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) animal model.


In this study (permission Nr. 13/2014/UDCAR) 27 Hungahib pigs (15.4- 20.2 kg) were operated. ACS was generated by implanting a silastic bag in the abdomen through mini-laparotomy and filled with 2100- 3300 ml saline solution (37 C°) to an intraabdominal pressure (IAP) of 30 mmHg. After 3 hours, NPWT (Vivano Med® Abdominal Kit, Paul Hartmann AG, Germany) or Bogota bag was applied. NPWT group was divided into -50, -100 and 150 mmHg suction group. Pressure distribution to the abdominal cavity was monitored at 6 different points of the abdomen via a multichannel pressure monitoring system.


The absolute pressure levels were significantly higher above than below the layer. The values of the pressure were similar in the midline than laterally. Amongst the bowels the pressure values changed periodically between 0 and -12 mmHg which might be caused by the peristaltic movements.


The porcine model of the present study seems to be well applicable for investigating ACS and NPWT. It was possible to provide valuable data for clinicians. The pressure was well distributed by the protective layer to the lateral parts of the abdomen and this phenomenon did not change considerably during the therapy.

Clinical relevance

The porcine model of the present study seems to be well applicable for investigating ACS and NPWT. It was possible to provide valuable data for clinicians.


Hartmann GMBH for financial and technical support

Conflict of Interest

There is conflict of interest about this study


Adrienn Csiszkó et al.
Medical and Health Science Center, Institute of Surgery, Debrecen, Hungary, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Information


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