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Severe intraabdominal infection after abdominal wall reconstruction by mesh treated with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)

Tudományos tartalom

Severe intraabdominal infection after abdominal wall reconstruction by mesh treated with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)

NPWT, Open Abdomen
Publikálás éve
Z. Kincses, L. Bokor, S. Kathy, I. Szűcs
Olvasási idő
10 min (1 pages)


The optimal surgical technique is mesh implantation in patients with large abdominal wall hernia. After this procedure, the recidive rate is lower than in the case of normal abdominal wall reconstruction. We experienced low rate postoperative complications: seroma or abscess. Since its introduction in clinical practice in the early 1990s negative pressure wounds therapy (NPWT) has become widely used in the treatment of complex wounds. Nowadays, in cases of wound infections, negative pressure therapies have become increasingly important.


Z. Kincses
Kenezy Teaching Hospital, General Surgical Department

L. Bokor
Kenezy Teaching Hospital, General Surgical Department

S. Kathy
Kenezy Teaching Hospital, General Surgical Department

I. Szűcs
Kenezy Teaching Hospital, General Surgical Department

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